Since childhood, Domenic has had an innate curiosity and interest in the universe and a passion for the performing arts. Over the years he has acquired a unique range of education and experiences throughout Australia and the United States across topics spanning from music, acting, performance, language and radio, to mathematics and earth sciences, to energy healing and mediumship.

Domenic's life experience and emersion in the fields of performing arts, science and spirituality, have given him a broad world view. He is a private, introspective individual in life, but has found great joy in sharing his inner life through outward expressional mediums. Some examples include: as an award-winning musician, performing across Australia including in his own theatre pipe organ concert; as an actor, performing in award-winning Australian and world premiere stage productions such as John Logan's 'Peter and Alice'; working briefly as a reporter for a radio station; and, as a meteorologist, working in all branches of weather and marine forecasting. Domenic is also the author of Daily Thought Seeds. He believes that thoughts and wisdom can be channelled and uses writing as one outlet for translating and sharing this wisdom, a combination of both life experience and divine guidance. Domenic has been invited as an international speaker and has presented on the topic of Conscious Living for an Indian University’s Theatre Department. He has also enjoyed exploring numerous fields of voice, theatre and film training, and continues to explore and integrate the world of mind, body, energy, voice, sound, music and acting.

Domenic has, for many years, been on a spiritual journey. He has previously hosted a meditation group, and is fortunate to have met the very gifted Kerry Denice who has taken to new levels his understanding of the immense power of intention, energy and sound. He also undertook a week long intensive course in Mediumship led by renown UK medium, Tony Stockwell. Domenic has been attuned and certified as Reiki 1 & 2 and SKHM Seichim Practitioner.

Domenic and his wife, Sheke, now reside amongst the rolling hills and vineyards in the southern outskirts of Adelaide, Australia. With Italian and Kenyan heritages respectively they have been fortunate to see that there are fundamental similarities in all human beings across so many varied nationalities, but also vast cultural differences that play a huge role in shaping who we are. They love travel and nature. 

Domenic believes in personal responsibility to raise one's own energetic vibration by living an authentic, conscious and connected life. He believes that living in this way contributes to raising the vibration of all of humanity, through example to those around us, and more deeply on an energetic and spiritual level. As a deep thinker and philosopher, Domenic is often wondering what else is possible. The sum total of his curiosity combined with all his experiences thus far continue to provide new insights and ideas. In his book Daily Thought Seeds, he shares his thoughts in the hope that these will plant seeds in the lives of others to allow positive growth, as he knows deep within that there is literally no limit to human potential.

The diversity of Domenic's background has led him to understand that art, science, and spirituality are not as separate as many may be led to believe. He believes it is in the combining of these areas that insight, harmony, peace, and an expanded consciousness, and healthier humanity and planet can be achieved. He feels now is an important time for spiritual evolution and looks to find ways of going back to community and seeking a local tribe to move forward together in unity, truth, freedom and love.